Tomas Oh

Tomas Oh

Currently pursuing a bachelor's in Computer Science at California State University, Fullerton , with a minor in Mathematics. I find joy in exploring technologies and building applications!

In my free time, I like rock climbing, playing soccer, drawing, and hanging out with friends.

Reach out to me if you would like to talk! Thanks for taking a look at my portfolio :)


Supplemental Instruction

California State University, Fullerton

Jan 2024 - Present

Hosted biweekly workshop sessions, integrating interactive and collaborative study techniques. Enhanced student learning of Multivariable Calculus concepts through peer discussion and participation, resulting in a 10% average grade increase

Research Assistant

Project ACCESS at CSUF

Feb 2024 - Present

Participated in a year-long research program, engaging in data science and cybersecurity projects to raise awareness on social just issues. Attended several workshops on topics such as study skills, career opportunities, and C++ programming

ACM Board Member & Contributor

Association for Computer Machinery at CSUF

Aug 2023 - Present

Led and organized workshops on several technologies such as SvelteKit and VIM. Collaborated with fellow students to develop open source projects, including the website for FullyHacks (largest hackathon at CSUF) using Next.js, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS.


CPP iconPython iconTypeScript iconJavaScript iconGO iconHTML iconCSS iconJava iconReactJS iconNext.js iconSvelte iconNode.js iconTailwindCSS iconSass iconDeno iconVIM icon


All of my projects are available on my GitHub.

Pics :)

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